

Nigerian micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) — which comprise 96 per cent of the country’s businesses — are considered to be particularly vulnerable to the country’s endemic and persistent corruption problem. 

Global Compact Network Nigeria, involved in the Second and the First Funding Rounds of the Siemens Integrity Initiative,  brought together  MSMEs and large companies, including from the finance sector, to build a coalition towards action.


Network Nigeria, together with the CBi, developed an anti-corruption toolkit to guide MSMEs in improving anti-corruption compliance practices. Network Nigeria also aimed to develop an integrity pact between MSMEs and the finance sector, seeking to incentivize MSMEs with strong anti-corruption practices by providing better access to financing from banks and other institutions.

Main accomplishments

  • Raised awareness among more than 300 civil society, business, Government and financial sector actors about the value of Collective Action in fighting corruption and the important role that MSMEs can play.

  • Drafted an anti-corruption toolkit to guide MSMEs in strengthening anti-corruption practices. The toolkit will include a self-assessment that allows MSMEs to evaluate compliance progress.
  • Developed a Roadmap Report outlining a pathway to combat corruption by building on the commitment of MSMEs and the finance sector to act collectively.
  • Developed an additional Roadmap Report that outlines a path for continuity in implementing a principles-based Collective Action initiative for the construction sector.

  • Enhanced dialogue in the oil and gas industry with increased discussions among key actors in Nigeria’s major sector on fraud and corruption issues.


Global Compact Network Nigeria


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Global Compact Network Nigeria


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Global Compact Network Nigeria


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