Official signing during the anti-corruption workshop hosted by Network Indonesia, UNODC, and the Corruption Eradication Commission supporting the ''Joint Commitment for Collective Action Against Corruption''.
Corruption remains a significant challenge to sustainable development and equitable economic growth in Indonesia. In response to this critical issue, Global Compact Network Indonesia launched the Anti-Corruption Collective Action (ACCA) initiative in 2022 as a three-year program aimed at fostering anti-corruption collaborative efforts within the land-based sector in Indonesia.
The initiative began with focused group discussions and gained further momentum through participation in B20 Indonesia 2022, where Network Indonesia contributed to the Integrity & Compliance Task Force and launched the ACCA Playbook. Given the agribusiness industry's pivotal role in Indonesia's economy, particularly in the land-based sector like palm oil plantations, Network Indonesia has centered its efforts on promoting integrity within this crucial area.
To foster collaboration among businesses, Government, civil society, academia and international bodies to combat corruption, Network Indonesia conducted various anti-corruption programs with agribusiness as the initial sector, which later can be continued with other sectors.
Collaborative efforts
Network Indonesia works in collaboration with its ACCA Strategic Partners and Advisory Committee: Koalisi Anti Korupsi Indonesia (KAKI), Transparency International Indonesia (TII), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Indonesia and Paramadina University. Further collaboration with UNODC Indonesia and the National Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) led to regional workshops, supported by local associations like GAPKI, APINDO and APKASINDO, which aimed to distribute corruption risk assessments, promote the Corruption Prevention guidebook and evaluate companies' anti-corruption policies.
Looking ahead
In 2024-2025, Network Indonesia plans to
advocate for policy changes
that empower agribusiness associations to enforce anti-corruption policies. The goal is to create a business environment that not only recognizes the importance of anti-corruption measures but actively embraces them, ensuring sustainable and responsible business practices in Indonesia.
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