
Anti-Corruption Pledge Ceremony - June 2024 in Mexico City



Impact Story

Coming soon


This project began in 2023 as a collaboration between Global Compact Network Mexico and UNODC, the body responsible for overseeing the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). Building on the ‘’Strategy to Strengthen Corruption Prevention Capacities in Mexico’’ (2020-2022), which included UNODC’s development of a ‘’system of indicators and monitoring’’ to enhance corporate compliance practices, Network Mexico is now creating a digital tool to further support these efforts.


To empower companies by providing a digital tool for self-assessing their internal ethics, integrity and anti-corruption practices, encouraging their commitment to enhance compliance and integrity through active participation in the initiative.

Collaborative Efforts

This effort involves collaboration with the UNODC anti-corruption team, which has  reviewed and refined the digital tool’s indicators and questions and advised on data quantification. UNODC's expertise is crucial, as it drafted the foundational document for the tool. Additionally, UNODC's network of Government and social-sector organizations has helped disseminate information on the Mexico Global Compact Network's anti-corruption initiatives through three workshops held during 2024.

Looking Ahead

Information about the digital tool will be shared with Global Compact Network Mexico member companies to encourage participation. The tool offers a detailed questionnaire for assessing compliance and integrity policies. A microsite for submitting company information and a CEO Pledge will be launched by the end of June 2025 and presented at the annual Global Compact Mexico event.

Main accomplishments

  • Completed the design of the digital tool with 39 indicators and 68 questions to assess companies' integrity policies and compliance programs, covering areas like regulatory framework, training, risk control and transparency.
  • Began constructing the tool's website, focusing on the organization and distribution of questions.
  • Drafted and reviewed a commitment pledge for CEOs, outlining five actions – raising corruption awareness, using the self-assessment tool annually, adopting integrity policies, providing training,and actively participating in anti-corruption efforts led by Network Mexico and UNODC.


CEO Pledge Anti-Corruption Platform


Global Compact Network Mexico website


CEO Pledge Anti-Corruption Platform



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